Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cosmo Magazine Covers

The first of every month always brings with it a tingle of excitement. The new month carries with it the time for newest issue of .... "the bible." And, yes; THE BIBLE! The magazine that every girl with even a mere speckle of estrogen yearns for month after month. The same little girls who used to snag mom's lipstick and who spent countless hours catwalking down the hall of their childhood home in heels five sizes too big. 

...Well those little girls grow up to be: Cosmopolitan girls... 

Due to being a Cosmo-holic myself, I'm interested in comprehending how this magazine has been able to manifest itself from a leisure and occasion purchase into a girl's must have item. I am approaching this topic as not only a fan of the magazine itself, but with an understanding that I am right in the margin of their core demographic. Though there is inarguably a vast array of other succesful magazines geared towards young woman, I have yet to encounter a magazine that has bound its readers to a literal dependant cycle such as Cosmo. As expected, this months cover, even at the mere first glance, appeals to all things feminine. From an advertisement point of view the magazines aesthetics are key; everything form the attractive actress on the front to the color scheme draws the eye right in. Though I feel as though there is further intricy to the magaizines appeal then mere aesthetics. It is no time old secret that advertisments are based around the human phsyche. Though, upon further examining all things Cosmo; I feel as though their approach towards young women creates a whole new playing field. It has not only taken the time to understand its audience but in turn, manipulates your percception. Turning our attention to the issue listed above, the three words that jump out intially are DUMPED, LOVE, and lastly "BURN FAT FAST." Bingo! Because believe me, in the rare chance a late teen or early twenty something girl isn't currently playing her hand in the love game; then there is a large guarentee she bare minimum interested in losing those five extra pounds. Now that the reader is engaged; the second glance will occur. This, however, is now predisposed by the intial story that peeked her interest. The second notcieable set of words are: "When Life Seems Too Much Too Bear," "Career," and lastly "Positions for a Quickie." Now that you are into your second round of observation, the readers thought process will break from your intial larger category to now a slightly smaller  sub category. Issues addressed in the second glance are the workplace, stress levels, and lastly, sex (though these are far more blatent and drastically less appealing).  However, again these allow for the reader to identify and personalize. Chances are the age range and type of girl they are aiming for partakes in romance, has experienced stressed or at bare minimum holds a job. Lastly are the smaller sub titles and pictures even to further your interest as you attach current personal experiences to what are really just generic topics on a piece of paper. 

Even taking time to peer in the window of what is actually just sales and profit; I still enjoy endulging in what is almost a momentary fantasy for a reader. No reader is naive enough to think that here in this very Cosmopolitan lies the answers to all things holy; rather its more giving into the possibilty. You read this article and theres a small part of you that wonders what if: what if "you really do never get dumped," or you "really do know the V.I.P's. Cosmo is your momentary fantasy land; and there audience couldnt be more ideal. By now the commmon reader has left the nest and yet is still young enough to not have eliminated any real possibilty of where her life could take her. Cosmopolitan taps into the phsyche of these women; not only do they make you feel as though this magazine is almost personal, but they embody the sheer idea of young, sexy, and spontaneous; momentarily making every possibility seem easily within reach.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Berkley Exhibit: Ethnic Notions

Ethnic Notions: Black Images in the White Mind

Recently, University of California Berkley featured an exhibit by the name of "Black Images in the White Mind," created by Jan Faulkner. The exhibits composed of Faulkner's collection of items that depict various characters from the film Ethnic Notions. Though Faulkner refers to her collection of artifacts as "artistic," the collection tends to draw a vast range of emotion from its viewers. The exaggerated features of the African American characters allows viewers to make an era of inequality tangible. The various trinkets displayed are Faulkner's personal findings from the past fifty years. Mamie illustrations, feral bare bottomed babies, razor-wielding bucks, and black dandies in lavish waist coats are just a few of the examples of characters created for the sheer purpose of white man comedy. The formerly thought of as "comedic" cartoons are now seen as the white mans dehumanization of African Americans through out slavery. When interviewed, she explained her rational behind creating the exhibit. Her purpose was simple, she yearned to embrace the past. Though Faulkner wished to make it clear that she was not glorifying the racial artifacts, but rather using these as a tool to connect with the hard ships that now remain a subtle whisper. In addition, she sought to demean the artifacts as subjects of cruelty; done so for the purpose of stripping the power of the proprietor.

In connection to modern day society, race is still prevalent in social division. Though objects featuring the imagery is no longer produced in such a fashion;  racism is still in existence. Unfortunately, a lot of Faulkner's exhibit is in fact still relevant today. The difference? Racial imagery does still exist through out the media, however due to being considered "politically" incorrect, the modern day images are far more subtle. The subtlety with which these images are presented in modern day media poses the same ideas. The loud cry of racism that we were forced to face has dangerously turned into quiet whispers. These images remain relevant amongst several modern day icons; ranging from Kernel Sanders plantation owner on the face of your favorite chicken to Aunt Jemima's famous syrup.
We are part of an era who has a responsibility to continue equality amongst all races. While acknowledging our cultural differences and heritage is something to be done with pride, society can not fall short in the process of creating more cohesion and eliminate racial barriers. Both this exhibit and the articles that followed allow for multiple perspectives from different demographics. All of which, thanks to the collection, are able to witness first hand a painful but important part of our history.
The display entails a unique ability to appeal to all Americans, despite what ethnicity. In progressing forward towards complete equality, understanding our past is imperative to learn. Faulkner was able to take artifacts and embrace their relevancy to society's make up. 

News Paper: USA TODAY

Hispanics Flee Due to Immigration: 6/9/2010

Though this issue is one that is often probed to the point of nausea, it is in my opinion the greatest task we face as a nation. This article and in general, this issue, is one of the most sensitive and finite topics that our country will ever face and is the hot bed of political controversy. Immigration and United States are in constant battle of contradiction. In an ideal world, we would open our borders and gates and greet those wanting to join the land of freedom with open arms. Though, the complexity of this issue is far greater then being a kind neighbor. As stated in the article, Arizona is in constant battle with illegal immigrants due to sharing a border with Mexico. Though a law passed back in 2007 hardened punishments for not only illegal immigrants but those who employed them, the influx of aliens was barely tarnished. Recently, Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer went a step further when signing a law on April 23, 2010 stating that all immigrants must carry around documentation proving citizenship. Further more officers obtain the right to question anyone who is seemingly questionable as far as legality. The law was made in effect as of July 29, 2010; causing a severe cash drop in Hispanic dominated communities for the sake of holding on to cash in preparation for their departure. In addition, Hispanic enrollment amongst schools dropped by 75%.
Though this article is a little on the older side of the spectrum, it remain significant due to the division created amongst our country. This issue in specific battles a couple of factors. The first of which is the issue of citizen rights. To further complicate this, there is a blurred interpretation amongst whether the rights of United States are black and white or rather situational. The underlying intention of our government is to protect us as citizens. This entails, in my opinion, the necessity of taking action when needed. In the case of Arizona, specifically the article listed above, it is situation producing no perfect harmony but rather a lesser of two evils. The facts are these; illegal aliens are the culprit for a lot of crime created not only near the border but amongst all states housing them. Unauthorized immigrants have been involved with drug cartel, kidnapping, and murders. It is authority's job to put citizens safety as their number one priority. Due to border patrol's success limit growing narrower by the day, it is essential to take measures a step further; such as the recent law. 
On the flip side of the token, this has slandered the name of a lot of immigrants wanting simply a better life. It is easier to stand on the side of the fence that obtains freedom and access the situation then it is when your the one desiring rights that your deprived of in your home land. It is also important that in taking the steps further in figuring out specific policies in regards to immigrating that it is done so carefully. Issuing a "suspicion" check is nothing more than a band aid on a gun shot wound. 
Sadly, because measures are being taken to an extremity sooner rather than later, we are currently dependent amongst immigrants who see greater worth in the value of the dollar and who therefor are willing to work for a lot less then some of our legal citizens. Unfortunately, things like produce prices will become exponentially higher in the event the complete transition of ridding our nation of aliens occurs.
In all sincerity, I am not sure how I feel in regards to this issue. Like many political situations, a lot is discussed but not a lot of prevention occurs. It seems as though issues need to reach extremities before anything is done. I leave this article feeling torn and with no bias on either side but rather a yearning for a solution to the situation in which compromises could be made.


Women's Pay: Lagging From the Startee

From the war born days of the 1930's still lingers the question: Do genders posses the same value in today's workforce? A question, arisen from the present salary gap amongst sexes whose achievements only differentiate in no means except for one: their sex. Though the gap has narrowed greatly in the past seventy five years, it indeed still remains. Like an elephant in the room of alleged "freedom and democracy," it is our society's job to acknowledge and work towards better understanding of this issue. After reading the article listed above, both my initial and natural inclination as a woman would of course be to immediately take stand on a feminist platform; one seeking utter equality. Those this conclusion may or may not be a correct one, my final standpoint on both the article and topic yet to remain. This is done so due to validate my conclusion only after examining all intricacies of the issue. 

From the days of women being granted the "right" to work in war production factories in 1918 to recently seeing our first serious female potential candidate for president , it is seemingly inarguable that a women's rights expanded greatly. Sadly today, we still are faced with the apparent gap amongst genders in their salary. Turning our heads to the article listed above, we observe a study taken at in 2008 (though later updated as linked in the article). Catherine DesRoches and colleagues from the Mongan Institute for Health Policy at Massachusetts General Hospital mailed surveys to more than 3,000 in the workforce. Specifically, this was a group composed of life science faculty members amongst fifty  universities receiving federal funding for research at their medical schools. Through a culmination of statistics taken (anywhere from hours worked per week to articles and studies published), DesRoches concluded  that woman made on average $13,288 lower in annual salary. Not were male professors reported as making more, but full time female professors had actually acquired far more hours then the men.In fact the only area in which the male professors obtained superiority over their female components was in the amount of publications. This, in turn, allowed for what is referred to in the article as the "trail blazer effect," A term depicting the indited route purposed by the authors, in which more women be called upon for representation on boards and committees within the medical field. 

This article is a valid example of the issue created by the gap. Though the article's legitimacy stems from the vast amount of people within the study, the key importance of it lies rather in the necessity in continuing to advance medicine. Progression in medicine capitalizes when society's brain power is based on sheer ability; thus gender is irrelevant. Like most articles, it presents the reader with both the evidence and various view points; though the opinion taken from which lay always with the reader.

So, how to move forward? The first necessity is to restore faith in mans ability to constantly seek progression towards the better. As long as we take necessary steps forward, including things such as development of young women's education and equality protection programs; I for see the closure of any salary gap an inevitability. The more open we are to the idea that modern families needn't possess any expected role due to their sex, we will see previous expected norms to fall by the way side. Today, we not only see a prominent development of the so called "stay at home dad", but a new acceptance of housholds in which both parents work. With the constantly  roles of both man and women regarding financial and houshold responsibilities slowly losing gender identities; it is only logical to  assume that this will one day allow for the closure of gender gap.